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▣ Chu Teh Chun (주데춘) - 24 Artworks - Auction Prices

Chu Teh Chun (Chinese-French, 1920-2014)

The World Record Price for Chu Teh-Chun (朱德群) at auction is 229,568,000 HKD (29,540,810 USD) for "Harmonie Hivernale", sold at Sotheby's Hong Kong on 18 April 2021.

Chu Teh-Chun Auction Results.
Price High to Low (Hammer Price with Buyer's Premium).

Lot Sold. HKD 229,568,000 (USD 29,540,810)  
Sotheby's Hong Kong, 18 Apr 2021
< Harmonie Hivernale (盛世雪) >

[ 1985, Oil on canvas, 193 x 384.7 cm. 76 x 151 ½ in. ]

Lot Sold. HKD 113,688,000 (USD 14,669,163)
Sotheby's Hong Kong, 08 Jul 2020
< Les éléments confédérés >

[ 1983-84, Oil on canvas, 162 x 650 cm. 63 ¾ x 256 in. ]

① Lot Sold. HKD 91,820,000 (USD 11,890,020)
Christie's Hong Kong, 26 Nov 2016

② Lot Sold. HKD 45,460,000 (USD 5,892,762)
Christie's Hong Kong, 29 Nov 2009
< Vertige Neigeux (Snowy Vertigo) >

[ 1990-1999, Oil on canvas, Overall: 200 x 400 cm. (78 3/4 x 157 1/2 in.) ]

Lot Sold. HKD 75,706,000 (USD 9,678,255)
Sotheby's Hong Kong, 30 Sep 2018
< No. 268 >

[ 1967-68, Oil on canvas, 150.2 x 300.5 cm. 59 ⅛ x 118 ⅜ in. ]

Lot Sold. USD 70,680,000 (USD 9,162,538)
Christie's Hong Kong, 23 Nov 2013
< Untitled >

[ 1963, oil on canvas, diptych. overall: 195 x 243.5 cm. (76 3/4 x 95 7/8 in.) ]

① Lot Sold. HKD 61,554,500 (USD 7,843,274)
Sotheby's Hong Kong, 31 Mar 2018

② Lot Sold. HKD 40,250,000 (USD 5,160,256)
Poly's Hong Kong, 24 Nov 2012
< Rouge Lourd et Vert Leger >

[ 1959, Oil on canvas, 87 x 116 cm. 34 ¼ x 45 ⅝ in. ]

① Lot Sold. HKD 60,665,000 (USD 7,825,785)  
Sotheby's Hong Kong, 05 Oct 2020

② Lot Sold. HKD 40,440,000 (USD 5,232,236)
Christie's Hong Kong, 28 May 2016
< No. 312 >

[ 1969, Oil on canvas, 200 x 200 cm. 78 ¾ x 78 ¾ in.]

Lot Sold. HKD 60,020,000 (USD 7,780,915)
Christie's Hong Kong, 24 Nov 2012
< La forêt blanche II >

[ 1987, Oil on canvas, overall: 130 x 390 cm. (51 1/8 x 153 1/2 in.) ]

Lot Sold. HKD 42,250,000 (USD 5,450,250)
Christie's Hong Kong, 02 Dec 2020
< La Forêt Blanche I (The White Forest I) >

[ 1987, Oil on canvas, 130 x 195.5 cm. (51 1/8 x 77 in.) ]

① Lot Sold. HKD 38,395,000 (USD 4,891,523)
Christie's Hong Kong, 25 May 2019

② Lot Sold. HKD 23,640,000 (USD 3,062,392)
Christie’s Hong Kong, 24 May 2014
< No. 229 >

[ 1966, Oil on canvas, 130 x 195 cm. (51 1/8 x 74 3/4 in.) ]

Lot Sold. HKD 38,350,000 (USD 4,887,716)
Christie's Hong Kong, 26 May 2018
< No. 81 >

[ 1961, Oil on canvas, 162 x 130 cm. (63 3/4 x 51 1/8 in.) ]

Lot Sold. HKD 36,475,000 (USD 4,687,037)  
Sotheby's Hong Kong, 09 Oct 2021
< Sans titre (無題) >

[ 1968-1970, Oil on canvas, 162 x 127.2 cm; 63 ¾ x 50 in. ]

Lot Sold. HKD 36,250,000 (USD 4,676,250)
Christie's Hong Kong, 02 Dec 2020
< No. 195, Avant Le Printemps (Before The Spring) >

[ 1965-1966, Oil on canvas, 146 x 114 cm. (57 1/2 x 44 7/8 in.) ]

Lot Sold. USD 4,421,000
Sotheby's New York, 14 May 2014
< Printemps Hivernal >

[ 1986-1987, Oil on canvas, 76 3/4 x 51 1/4 in. 195 x 130 cm. ]

Lot Sold. HKD 34,255,000 (USD 4,365,863)  
Sotheby's Hong Kong, 27 Apr 2022
< Vent debout (迎風) >

[ 1989, Oil on canvas, 200 x 360 cm; 78 ¾ x 141 ¾ in. ]

Lot Sold. HKD 33,160,000 (USD 4,296,034)
Christie's Hong Kong, 22 Nov 2014
< No. 404 >

[ 1970-1971, oil on canvas, 162.5 x 202.5 cm. (64 x 79 3/4 in.) ]

Lot Sold. EUR 3,267,300 
Sotheby's Paris, 16 Dec 2020
< Composition >

[ 1961, oil on canvas, 130 x 162 cm; 51 3/16 x 63¾ in. ]

Lot Sold. HKD 30,125,000
Christie's Hong Kong, 23 Nov 2019
< Une belle journée (A Beautiful Day) >

[ 1982, oil on canvas, overall: 162 x 260 cm. (63 3/4 x 102 3/8 in.) ]

Lot Sold. HKD 28,900,000
Christie's Hong Kong, 26 May 2018
< No. 51 - Mille Vies se Cachent dans le Bois (A Thousand Lives Hiding in the Woods) >

[ 1960, Oil on canvas, 120 x 100 cm. (47 1/4 x 39 3/8 in.) ]

Lot Sold. HKD 28,660,000
Sotheby's Hong Kong, 04 Apr 2011
< Inspiration Hivernale (diptych) >

[ 1987-1990, Oil on canvas, 195 x 260 cm. ]

Lot Sold. HKD 25,880,000 (USD 3,351,331)
Christie's Hong Kong, 28 May 2006
< Rouge, La pluie de petales sur le village >

[ 1960, Oil on canvas, 130 x 195 cm. (51 1/4 x 76 3/4 in.) ]

Lot Sold. HKD 24,760,000 (USD 3,209,740)
Christie's Hong Kong, 23 Nov 2013
< L'hiver poétique I >

[ 1989, Oil on canvas, 96.5 x 130 cm. (38 x 51 3/16 in.) ]

Lot Sold. HKD 23,640,000
Sotheby's Hong Kong, 06 Apr 2013
< 25 Décembre 1985 >

[ 25 Décembre 1985, Oil on canvas, 161 x 129.5 cm. ]

Lot Sold. HKD 22,520,000 (USD 2,918,660)
Christie's Hong Kong, 30 May 2015
< Montée Hivernale (Winter Surge) >

[ 1985, oil on canvas, 129.5 x 96 cm. (51 x 37 3/4 in.) ]

◐ Artist World Record ◑


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