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▣ Laura Owens (로라 오웬스) - 29 Artworks - Auction Prices

Laura Owens (American, b. 1970)

The World Record Price for Laura Owens at auction is 1,755,000 USD for "Untitled", sold at Sotheby's New York on 16 Nov 2017.

Laura Owens Auction Results.
Price High to Low (Hammer Price with Buyer's Premium).

Lot Sold. USD 1,755,000 
Sotheby's New York, 16 Nov 2017
< Untitled >

[ 2012, Oil, acrylic, flashe, resin, collage and pumice on canvas, 108 1/4 x 84 1/4 in. 275 x 214 cm. ]

Lot Sold. USD 1,593,000
Sotheby's New York, 18 Nov 2021
< Untitled >

[ 2016, Flashe and screen printing ink on dyed linen, 274.3 x 213.4 cm. 108 x 84 in. ]

Lot Sold. USD 1,124,000
Sotheby's New York, 17 May 2019
< Untitled >

[ 2019, Acrylic, mica, Flashe and oil on canvas, 69 x 60 in. 175.3 x 152.4 cm. ]

Lot Sold. USD 882,000
Christie's New York, 14 May 2024
< Untitled >

[ 2016, oil, Flashe and screen printing ink on linen, 138 x 104 in. (350.5 x 264.2 cm.) ]

Lot Sold. USD 867,000
Sotheby's New York, 08 Dec 2021
< Untitled >

[ 1999, Acrylic and ink on canvas, in 2 parts, each canvas: 122 x 60 in. (309.9 x 152.4 cm) ]

Lot Sold. USD 693,000
Sotheby's New York, 30 Sep 2022
< Untitled >

[ 2016, Oil, flashe, screen printing ink, charcoal and sand on linen, 108 x 84 in. 274.3 x 213.4 cm. ]

Lot Sold. GBP 528,000
Sotheby's London, 26 Jun 2024
< Untitled >

[ 2000, acrylic and oil on canvas, 284.8 x 182.4 cm. 112 x 71¾ in. ]

Lot Sold. USD 649,200
Sotheby's New York, 13 May 2021
< Untitled >

[ 2006, Oil and acrylic on linen, 48 x 43 ⅛ in. 121.9 x 109.5 cm. ]

Lot Sold. USD 630,000
Sotheby's New York, 17 Nov 2022
< Untitled >

[ 2016, Flashe on linen, in 3 parts, each: 36 x 28 in. 91.4 x 71.1 cm. ]

① Lot Sold. USD 571,500
Sotheby's New York, 19 May 2023

② Lot Sold. GBP 435,000 (USD 604,607)
Sotheby's London, 07 Mar 2018
< Untitled >

[ 2013, Oil, acrylic and charcoal on linen, 274.3 x 213.4 cm. 108 x 84 in. ]

Lot Sold. USD 560,000
Sotheby's New York, 30 Jun 2020
< Untitled >

[ 2012, Oil, acrylic, Flashe, resin and charcoal on canvas, 69½ x 60 in. 176.5 x 152.4 cm. ]

Lot Sold. GBP 441,000 
Sotheby's London, 14 Oct 2022
< Untitled >

[ 2009, Oil and acrylic on canvas, 177.6 x 127.4 cm. 70 x 50 in. ]

Lot Sold. GBP 381,000 (USD 463,868) 
Phillips's London, 12 Oct 2023
< Untitled >

[ 2014, Flashe, silkscreen ink, oil and gesso on linen, 298.7 x 158.8 cm (117 5/8 x 62 1/2 in.) ]

Lot Sold. USD 459,000
Christie's New York, 16 May 2019
< Untitled >

[ 2004, Oil and acrylic on linen, 70 x 47 in. (177.8 x 119.4 cm.) ]

Lot Sold. USD 441,000
Sotheby's New York, 19 Nov 2021
< Untitled >

[ 2013, Oil, Flashe, charcoal and wheel caster on linen, 108 x 84 x 7½ in. 274.3 x 213.4 x 19.1 cm. ]

Lot Sold. GBP 315,000 
Sotheby's London, 22 Oct 2020
< Untitled >

[ 2004, Oil on canvas, 275 x 304 cm. 108¼ x 119⅝ in. ]

① Lot Sold. USD 315,000
Christie's New York, 13 Mar 2024

② Lot Sold. GBP 315,000 
Sotheby's London, 03 Mar 2022
< Untitled >

[ 2016, Oil and acrylic on canvas, 91.5 x 71 cm. 36 x 28 in. ]

Lot Sold. USD 360,500 
Sotheby's New York, 18 Nov 2016
< Untitled >

[ 2006, Acrylic, oil and felt on linen, 213.4 x 274.3 cm. 84 x 108 in. ]

Lot Sold. USD 346,000
Phillips's New York, 17 May 2017
< Untitled >

[ 1994, Acrylic and oil on canvas, overall 70 x 120 in. (177.8 x 304.8 cm.) ]

Lot Sold. GBP 275,000
Christie's London, 02 Jul 2021
< Untitled >

[ 2009, Acrylic, felt and yarn on linen, 68 x 45 in. (172.7 x 114.3 cm.) ]

Lot Sold. USD 324,500
Christie's New York, 18 May 2018
< Untitled >

[ 1998, Oil, acrylic, graphite and colored pencil on canvas, 83 7/8 x 76 in. (213 x 193 cm.) ]

Lot Sold. USD 317,000
Christie's New York, 14 May 2014
< Untitled >

[ 2014, Oil, resin, charcoal and gesso on linen, 108 x 84 in. (274.3 x 213.4 cm) ]

Lot Sold. USD 300,000 
Sotheby's New York, 17 Nov 2017
< Untitled >

[ 2013, Oil, acrylic and charcoal on linen, 175.3 x 152.4 cm. 69 x 60 in. ]

Lot Sold. USD 279,400
Sotheby's New York, 16 Nov 2023
< Untitled >

[ 2002, acrylic and oil on printed paper collage on canvas, 36 x 32 in. 91.4 x 81.3 cm. ]

Lot Sold. USD 277,200 
Sotheby's New York, 30 Sep 2021
< Untitled (LO290) >

[ 2004, Oil and acrylic on canvas, 153 x 121.9 cm. 60¼ x 48 in. ]

Lot Sold. GBP 200,000 (USD 264,480)        
Sotheby's London, 27 Jun 2018
< Untitled >

[ 2004, Oil, acrylic and collage on linen, 113.3 x 87.9 cm. 44 5/8 x 34 5/8 in. ]

Lot Sold. USD 252,000
Christie's New York, 29 Sep 2022
< Untitled >

[ 2022, Oil, pastel and resin on linen, 26 x 26 in. (66 x 66 cm.) ]

​Lot Sold. GBP 175,000
Christie's London, 07 Oct 2017
< Untitled >

[ 1999, Acrylic and spray enamel on canvas, 120 ¼ x 102 in. (305.5 x 259 cm.) ]

① Lot Sold. GBP 168,750
Phillips's London, 09 Mar 2018

② Lot Sold. GBP 21,250
Phillips's London, 13 Feb 2009
< Untitled >

[ 2004, Oil and acrylic on linen, 59.9 x 46.8 cm (23 5/8 x 18 3/8 in.) ]

◐ Artist World Record ◑

오하이오 유클리드 출생인 로라 오웬스(1970년~ )는 로드 아일랜드 스쿨 오브 디자인과 캘리포니아 인스티튜트 오브 아츠에서 공부했다. 

​1990년대 후반 명성을 얻기 시작한 화가, 로라 오웬스는 여러 미술사적 레퍼런스를 활용하며, 다양한 혼합 매체를 이용해 동물과 자연을 묘사하는 것으로 유명하다. 이런 작업 방식은 회화의 본질에 대해 완전히 다른 방식의 질문이 필요하다는 확신으로 시작되었는데, 그 이후로도 끊임없이 새롭고 비판적인 의견들을 작업을 통해 제시해오고 있다. 

​LA를 중심으로 작품 활동을 펼치며 지난 1995년 첫 개인전을 가진 오웬스는 미국은 물론 국제 미술계에서 주목받고 있는 젊은 미술가로 파리 퐁피두센터와 뉴욕 구겐하임 미술관이 그의 작품을 소장하고 있다.

상징성이 강한 독특한 풍경화에서부터 추상화까지 작가의 다양한 표현 스타일은 강한 붓터치의 역동성과 함께 어린이들의 낙서 그림같은 천진한 순수성을 드러내준다.  


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